miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010

Kambogo, the new school for Jane and Kodett

In our project, Musica para salvar vidas, we try to help Children of Uganda to find a future in their country.

It is not always easy because work is little in Uganda, and it is normally given to those who have friends......or special connections. On the other hand, the children we inherited of, have lost many years of apprenticeship, habits of study, concentration and formation. But, a few of them, have got a real potential in them. And in particular Jane and Kodett will be able to pursue, it is obvious, further studies. Therefore we decided to put them in a different school. Kambogo. A very elegant school, where discipline,respect and responsibility are the main values which are taught there. A school that treat young children as if they were University children. The teachers are very good, come to class, give their lesson and go. There is no pampering, no help, no consideration. They don't ask who is present, who is missing. It is everyone's responsibility. They don't ask questions. Then there are exams and the results are there.... Jane and Kodett seem to be happy with this way of teaching and they are studying very hard. Good for them... The results will be there soon!

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